My, oh my. It has been awhile, hasn't it? I do have a very good reason for not posting: I haven't really been cooking. My CSA kicked into high gear and basically determined what I would eat each day. There have been lots of green smoothies, roasted veggies, various sauteed greens with pasta, refrigerator pickles...if it's been in season, I have eaten it.

Here are some examples:
Roasted things.
Cauliflower, red onions, potatoes, fennel, and fabulous little turnips, drizzled with olive oil and roasted at 400 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. The fennel could have used more time in the oven, but everything else was excellent. Served with red quinoa and capra sarda cheese.

Beet salad, red quinoa and vegetables from the CSA box.
Cold roasted beets (roasted at the same time as the other veggies, but wrapped in foil and for longer) with arugula, walnuts, a local bleu cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette; leftover red quinoa with sauteed summer squash, onion tops, and steamed cauliflower. Plus some bread.

Perpetual pickles.
My take on the perpetual pickle. There's some leftover kohlrabi in there and it was excellent pickled.

We're entering peak tomato season now and I am flirting with the idea of ordering an extra 20 pound box to do some freezing or MAYBE canning. Freezing seems way less intimidating to me. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Make!Do! said...

    canning - especially vegetables is SO easy, I promise, you can totally do it! Ask anything - but all you need are jars and lids and a big old pot. Unless you have a giant freezer, I totally recommend it.
    (and YAY for perpetual pickles!)